Wednesday 14 March 2012

Out and About in Addis Ababa

Kidus Raguel Rock Hewn-Chuch
There are hardly any tourists in Addis. Occasionally one might spot an air-conditioned bus with a few Fenegis in it but generally I am the only one around. But then there is not a lot of sight seeing to be done in Addis and a day would probably suffice to see the main attractions. 

Meskel Square is a good starting point for a tour. Next to it, the Red Terror Museum provides a graphic account of the reign of the Derg. During my visit, I was given a personal account of someone's incarceration and torture which makes my visit hauntingly memorable.

Entoto Maryam Church
A few kilometres uphill from Meskel Square, there is the National Museum of Ethiopia. It hosts a replica of the skull of Lucy, estimated to be around 3.5 million years old. The discovery of Lucy proved our ancestors were walking 2.5 million years earlier than was previously thought.

Traditional Dancing
A couple of hours hike out of the city there is a 13th-century hock-hewn church called Kidus Raguel. The church was partially destoyed during the Italian occupation but is still an amazing sight. Visitors are few but the guard is friendly and gives a knowledgeable tour. Also in the Entoto hills is the Entoto Maryam Church where Menelik was crowned in 1882. 

To round off a day of sightseeing, one can go to eat traditional food and watch some energetic and colourful dancers. 

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