Monday 13 February 2012

My House in Addis Abbab
This is where I will live for the next six months. It is a two bedroomed bungalow situated inside a walled compound. 
We (my flatmate Milat and I) live at the front of the compound and our landlord, Kebele, lives in a house at the back with his family and various assorted helpers. 

There is a high crime rate here and so most people live in a compound or have a night and day guard to protect their property and possessions. 
The house is 10 minutes walk from the VSO Programme Office and Pride Bar which is where the Addis based volunteers congregate. There is a local market, Shola, and a few westernised supermarkets within 20 minutes walk, as well as a few nice cafes. 
Inside the house things are quite basic. There is only cold water in the taps. The shower heats water slightly but it is only tepid. There is no cooker or fridge. VSO have given us each a one ring electric hob and a kerosene cooker (for when there is a power cut). Everything is a bit shoddy. Plugs are hanging off the wall, basins leak and door don't close. 
The streets of Addis are dusty, crowded and noisy but inside our compound it is peaceful and relaxing. The garden is lovely and we have a small terrace with a bench so we can sit outside and enjoy the late afternoon sunshine which is what I am doing at this very moment.


  1. This is really interesting! You really give us a picture of your immediate surroundings so we can picture you in your dilapidated (!) accommodation. Plugs with wires showing, doors that don't close! But the garden looks lovely and I know the weather is great to be able to sit out in your garden or on your bench. Now it will be good to see pictures of inside the bungalow and the surrounding streets and little shop. Great blog!

  2. It must be great to be somewhere so different to here - a really interesting time ahead I think. Snow nearly melted here! Still no boiler though - my house only marginally less shoddy than yours by the sound of it!
